
VP-598 ohjelmointilaite on erittäin monipuolinen PC:n ohjelmointiliate

Se ohjelmoi EPROMeja, eeprommeja, prosessoreita jne
Se toimii USB:n avulla ja on erittäin kätevä


Katso lisää

Willem USB ohjelointilaite EPROM, EEPROM ja FLASH-piireille


PRG-056 True-USB PRO GQ-4X Willem Programmer Full Pack


PSOP44_V2_250 adapter DualPower/Enhanced/True-USB Willem ohjelmointilaitteelle
Käytetään moottori-ECU virityksissä.

Tuetut piirit:
28F200, 28F400, 28F800
29F200, 29F400, 29F800

V2 adaptei toimii GQ-4X ilman A19 jumpperia.

ADP-033A TSOP 20mm Adapteri-sarja


20mm TSOP adapteri sarja Willem ohjelmointilaitteisiin Version 3, GQ-3X aja GQ-4X.
Sopii standardi 20mm TSOP32,TSOP40, ja TSOP48 koteloille-

Automatic True-USB PRO 40pin Willem Universal ohjelmointilaite

(Hardware GQ-4X; latest GQUSBprog software version)

GQ-4X is the newest model of True USB Willem Universal Programmer series from MCUmall Electronics Inc Canada.

With its complete new professional design, True USB PRO 40pin willem programmer GQ-4X is the first & exclusive Willem universal programmer in the market that owns the unique features:

Neat robust enclosure; 40pin ZIF socket, fully automatic; JTAG support; Fast mode SPI support;
Support O/S XP64bit, Vista 32bit,Vista 64bit Windows7 32bit 64bit,
Real True USB interface for both data transfer and power supply;
High speed/fastest; most-user-friendly; simplest-to-use;
Software update regularly; free life-time software upgrade/download;
Multi-languages support capability: Chinese,Czeh,English,French,German,Spanish, Portugues

The application-oriented & application-enhanced design facilitates GQ-4X supports thousands of most popular application devices (growing) and ideally suits the portable/convenient applications that includes: car automative field ECU chiptuning, airbag reset, mileage, satilite devices, BIOS refreshing, motherboard BIOS in-circuit upgrade, xBox,Wii gaming machines EPROM duplicate, Altera Xilinx JTAG, PIC/MCU development, newer laptop technology and newer desktop PC etc.

It has outstanding performance which supoprts the devices that other similar products are not capable of supporting: such as 25LF SPI series, PSOP44,TSOP48, 25VF SPI series, Altera Xilinx CPLD JTAG, PLCC84,SST39VF3201, TE28F102, 27C1024, 27C1028,HD6475,29F800, 29LV800, 29F032…

Key & Unique Features

1. Complete new professional design with own robust enclosure and 40pin ZIF socket

  • Neat rebust enclosure is designed to suit the portable and field convenient applications
  • 40 pin of the ZIF socket supports more chips without adapter
  • First and only willem programmer with 40pin ZIF socket, other models use 32pin ZIF
  • The software & hardware are Designed/developed by MCUmall Electronics Inc. Canada

Asembled in Canada and post-sales support by MCUmall Electronics Inc.

2. Fully automatic & no manual set-up needed (eliminate all jumpers & DIP-switch)

  • Fully automatic for efficient use and exends the programmer life time
  • Eliminates all jumpers on board, manual set-up for jumpers is no longer needed (all non-USB willem use jumpers: 16 jumpers on PCB5.0C, 48 jumers on willem 1.5)
  • Eliminate the on-board DIP switch, manual set-up for DIP switch is no longer needed.
  • This also makes much easier & very simple to use for end users.
  • Plug-and-play reduces the learning curve and save your precious time.

3. Fast mode SPI programming & JTAG support wider the application

  • Useful for motherboard BIOS in-circuit upgrade
  • Altera Xilinx CPLD JTAG support

4. True USB data transfer interface with PC/LapTop for newer laptop use as well as portable application

  • Uses only one USB cable to connect with PC/Laptop USB port for both data transfer and power supply. The bulky DB25 data cable is eliminated & no longer needed for data transfer between PC and programmer board
  • It is True/Real USB data transmission protocol (USB-USB), Not via Fake/Pseudo-USB data communication.
  • Fake/Pseudo USB data transfer needs the middle serial or parallel port conversion: USB-Serial-USB conversion or LPT-USB conversion, this limits the programming speed significantly.
  • GQ-4X features the same revolutionary data interface as GQ-3X, the True USB data transmission with PC/LapTop.

5. Exponentially speed increase up to 20 times faster

  • Connects PC via high-speed USB link, provides the fastest possible data transfer rates for programming/reading data from target IC's.
  • It is capable of being up to 20 times faster than other existing printer port willem (parrellel LPT willems: PCB6.xx,PCB5.0C,PCB4.5C) programmers on reading & verification a high density flash device, this significantly saves your time and increases work efficiency as well as facilitates small scale production
  • Assembly language written programming algorithms run fast and reliable. Not affected by the PC speed changes and Windows 0/S variations.

6. Dual power supply capability: USB port & AC/DC and automatic voltage control

  • Vcc supported among: 3.6V, 5V, 5.5V, 6.5V
  • On-Board MCU for stable performance & automatic/accurate voltage control
  • Works best among other programmers for EPROMs

7. The GQUSB software is especiaially developed for True USB willem programmers GQ-4X,GQ-3X, GQ-2X.

  • Free Life-time software download/upgrade, please click here for software revision history
  • Updates software and device algorithm regularily
  • Free IC device updates via web
  • Supports O/S: Win98SE, Me, XP, NT, 2000 & WinXP 64bit, Vista 32bit, Vista 64bit, Windows7 32bit 64bit
  • Advanced software engineered to provide most user-friendly interface & simplest and easiest-to-use Willem programmer version to save time and confort to use
  • Multi-language support, such as: English, German, Spanish, Chinese,French,Cezh,Portugues
  • Programming history memory function on-board
  • Supports most popular ECU, Satellite,xBox, Wii, BIOS, EPROM chips: SST39VF3201, TE28F102, 27C1024, 29F800, 29LV800…
  • Supports the chips that LPT Willem are not capable of supporting, like 24RF08,28F102,87C257 and more
  • Supports TSOP48,PSOP44,16bit EPROM chips that 40 pin TOP,EasyPro,Wellon are not capable of supporting
  • Supports 25LF SPI series, 25VF SPI series, Altera Xilinx CPLD JTAG, PLCC84,29F032…
  • Allows end users add in their own chips/devices easily (editing .txt file)

8. Working with the adapters further expands the supported devcices list

  • Accommodate the existing adapters (GQ-3X/2X and parallel LPT willem adapter)
  • Packaging supported: TSOP48 (16bit & 8 bit), TSOP32, PSOP44, DIP8 to DIP40, PLCC, SOP,SOIC, MCS-51+, PLCC84, and etc.

9. Covers the widest application areas amount all willem programmers

  • Car/automotive ECU chip tuning,airbag reset, mileage, memory device code read/write/program
  • Satellite large capacity device applications
  • On-spot/Field/portable applications & Small scale production
  • Motherboard BIOS in-circuit upgrading
  • xBox, wii gaming chip freshing & upgrading
  • PIC & MCU programming & development
  • Duplicate EPROM chips & Game machine repairing
  • Copier/Fax machine/printer main board reparing
  • VCD,DVD, color TV maintaining& repairing

PSOP44_V2_250 adapter DualPower/Enhanced/True-USB Willem ohjelmointilaitteelle
Käytetään moottori-ECU virityksissä.

20mm TSOP adapteri sarja Willem ohjelmointilaitteisiin Version 3, GQ-3X aja GQ-4X.
Sopii standardi 20mm TSOP32,TSOP40, ja TSOP48 koteloille-

Supported devices on each base board as following:

TSOP32 base board EEPROM : 28/28C512,010,020,040 EPROM : 27C010,020,040,080 Flash memory : 28F/29C/29F/39F/49F512,010,020,040,001,002,004 / SST39VF020

FWH-TSOP32-TSOP40 2-in-1 base board: INTEL:i82802AB, i82802ACATMEL:AT49LW040, SST:SST49LF002/A, SST49LF003/A, SST49LF004/A;W39V040F, W39V040FA, W39V040FAP LPC Flash:SST:SST49LF020/A, SST49LF030/A, SST49LF040/A W39V040A, W39V040AP, W49V002A, W49V002APSST 49LF002B, 49LF004B FWH/LPC:PMC:PMC49FL002, PMC49FL004 ST micro:M50FW040, M50FW002, M50LPW002, M50LPW040, M50FLW040A, M50FLW040B,INTEL:i82802AC ATMEL:AT49LW080/008 SST:SST49LF008/A LPC flash:SST:SST49LF080/A FWH/LPC:ST micro:M50FW080/008, M50LPW080/008, M50FW016, M50LPW116 PT49V080/008

TSOP40A/B 2-in-1 base board
TSOP40A: MBM29LV002ST/SB ,MBM29LV002TC/BC ,MBM29LV002TA/BA , MBM29LV004 , MBM29LV008, MBM29LV016 ,MBM29LV017 , MBM29LV080 , MBM29F002ST/SB , MBM29LV016 ,Am29LV004 , Am29LV002 ,Am29LV008;AM29F002ST/SB,AM29F004X,AM29F008X,AM29F16X,AM29F032X ,SST39VF080

TSOP40B: MBM29F017A , MBM29F016A , MBM29F080 , 28F008SA , 29F004S5 , 29F032 ,Am29F080 , Am29F016B , Am29F016 , Am29F017B , Am29F065MU, M29F032

TSOP48(16/8bit)base board: Am29F400, Am29F800, Am29F160, Am29F320, HY29F200, HY29F400, HY29F800 , AT49F2048A, AT49F4096A, AT49F8192A 29LV200 , 29LV400 , 29LV800 , 29LV160 , 29LV320, AT49LV1614, i28F200, i28F400, i28F800, i28F160 (TSOP48),28F001(DIP32 or PLCC32),MX29LV400,MX29LV800,MX29LV160,MX29LV320

TSOP48(16bit) base board: INTEL 28FX00: 28F400 B3T 28F800 B3T,28F160 B3T 28F400 B3B 28F800 B3B 28F160 B3B 28F800 C3T 28F160 C3T 28F320 C3T 28F800 C3B 28F160 C3B 28F320 C3B 28F320 J3 28F640 J3;29LVX00: MBM29LV400-T MBM29LV800-T MBM29LV160-T MBM29LV400-B MBM29LV800- B MBM29LV160- B MBM29DL400 MBM29DL800 MBM29DL16X MBM29DL32X MBM29DL322;39LF/VFX00: 39LF/VF200A 39LF/VF400A 39LF/VF800A 39LF /VF160;29FX00:29F100 29F200 29F400 29F800 29F160 29F320 29F102, SST39VF200,400,800,SST39VF1061,3201,6401,SST39VF1062,3202,6402

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